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Celebrity Weight loss : Adele

Ben Yates

The singer Adele has spent several years transforming her health and body.

The 32-year-old has shed over 7 stone after choosing to get healthier, initially for a 13-month gruelling tour schedule.

And, despite this weight loss, her mantra has always been about happiness first and looks second.

“I think no matter what you look like, the key is to, first of all, be happy with yourself.

“And then you know if you want to try to improve things that you don’t like about yourself, then do it after you appreciate yourself.”

Having read lots of the articles about Adele's weight loss, here's how she did it.

How did Adele lose weight?

Adele credits the Sirtfood diet and enlisting the help of a personal trainer for her weight loss transformation.

The Sirtfood diet, which I'll go into more detail a bit further down then page, essentially sees you cut out toxic and processed food and drinks.

But, it was Adele's initial lifestyle changes that got the ball rolling.

Back in 2016, Adele said “I was trying to get some stamina for my tour, so I lost a bit of weight,” she explained. “Now I fit into normal, off-the-shelf clothes, which is a really big problem for me!”

Goal setting

Adele's personal trainer, Pete Geracimo talked about how they originally set out to get Adele healthier, especially post-pregnancy and post-surgery - it was never about getting super-skinny.

In that early period, she made better food choices and began exercising.

Her personal trainer went to explain that "This metamorphosis is not for album sales, publicity or to be a role model. She is doing it for herself and her son Angelo," he explained. He added weight loss can be "massively empowering: and "a truly personal thing."

The best motivation comes from within.

You'll quickly find that external reasons don't last and motivation will wane without having that inner reason driving you on.

Adele's diet plan

Regardless of who you read about losing weight, they all have one simple thing in common.

It doesn't matter how they did and what diet they followed, they lost weight because they were in a sustained calorie deficit.

Back in 2011, Adele suffered from a vocal haemorrhage and said she was "always frightened" that she would further damage her voice.

Adele cut out cigarettes and caffeine in a bid to look after her voice but admitted it was tough.

Speaking to Australia's 60 Minutes she said: "It's f***ing boring, but I don't think you take your voice seriously until you've an accident."

After cutting out up to ten sugary cups of tea a day, fizzy drinks, alcohol and all "spicy, citrusy, and tangy" foods, Adele started to drop a few pounds.

In 2017 Adele adopted the Sirtfood diet plan.

It's important to note that Adele hasn't publicly recommended this diet, nor has she even spoken about it but it's widely reported that she followed this diet around 2017.

The Sirtfood Diet

The Sirtfood diet focusses on eating foods that are high in 'Sirtuin activators', which is said to suppress appetite and regulate how our bodies process fat and sugar.

It is also claimed to protect cells from dying, regulate inflammation, metabolism and the ageing process...

Sounds amazing, right?

However, any diet that promises to activate the body's 'skinny gene' and protect against ageing sounds like a marketers dream.

There's plenty of evidence that sirtfoods are good for you.

Most of us know the benefits blueberries, strawberries, turmeric, walnuts, onions, green tea, and even red wine and dark chocolate.

These types of foods are a wonderful addition to your diet, but there's certainly not enough evidence that solely eating those types of food will extend your life nor be good for you.

There are lots of foods and nutrients, such as proteins, healthy fats and whole grains that are left off the list.

And the calorie allowance could cause problems, too.

The plan follows a seven-day cycle that starts with just 1,000 calories a day for the first three days and 1,500 a day for day four to seven.

Any diet that cuts calories so strictly and restricts certain food groups is very difficult to follow in the long-term.

Nutritionist Rachael Hartley, said "A thousand calories is under the daily amount recommended for a 2-year-old. So for an adult eating that and expecting to fuel their day, you might not keel over, but you're not going to have the energy to perform at your best."

So, whilst it's fine to include berries, walnuts, onions, red wine and dark chocolate, it's still a good idea to consult a qualified, registered dietitian before you jump into the latest fad diet.

Ultimately, Calories count when you set out to lose weight.

Adele lost weight on the Sirtfood Diet because the restriction of certain food groups and the reduction in calories created a calorie deficit.

There's no proven magic to the diet and just like every 'fad' diet, you lose weight because it can create a calorie deficit.

Find a sustainable way of dieting, that works for you.

Adele's exercise plan

Enlisting the help of a personal trainer meant that Adele incorporated a new exercise regime, including weight training, although “I mainly moan. I’m not, like, skipping to the f****** gym. I don’t enjoy it. I do like doing weights. I don’t like looking in the mirror.”

Adele has also reportedly taken up reformer pilates, which focusses on core strength and postural alignment, and increased her daily activity levels.

It doesn't matter who you are, this kind of weight loss takes a tremendous amount of effort and dedication, so hats off to Adele for her transformation.

Follow these steps and you will lose weight and get healthier:

1 - Find your reason for losing weight

Ben Yates is a personal trainer based at Places Gym Hinckley and Hinckley Leisure Centre in Leicestershire.

To book your free personal training consultation click here


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